" He who has created the restaurant cannot have been other then a genial man and a profound observer. "
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
(1755 - 1826)
" Pour Marino Raffaele,
un futur grand de la restauration..
ces petits secrets pour une fête quotidienne
fu grande sympathie "
Claude Terrail ( August 1989 )
Marino Raffaele,
* member of the order of 33 masterchefs of Belgium
compagnon de la Toque Blanche - Patrons Cuisiniers
* knight of the honorary guard of the city of Cologne
Thé specialist of duck à la façon de la
'Tour d'Argent' in Paris
The wine cellar contains beautiful Bordeaux and Bourgogne wines, waiting to be tasted by you.
We welcome you, dear valued guest. Here are some guests and friends that came and enjoyed before you.
Arts and culture
Hugo Claus
Jean Daskalidès
Karel Dierickx
Carlos Fuentes
Philippe Herreweghe
Jan Hoet
Gerard Mortier
Wim Opbrouck
Oleg Popov
Jo Decaluwe